Trad On The Tyne Festival 2014

The 2014 Trad On The Tyne Festival takes place in Haddington, East Lothian on the weekend of Friday 29th to Sunday 31st August. You can buy tickets now through the festival website.
The outstanding Karine Polwart and Blazin’ Fiddles (the current Folk Band Of The Year) will be topping the bill at this year’s festival.
Other headline acts will include The Friel Sisters, The Victorian Trout Conspiracy and local singer/songwriter Alex Hodgson, while the programme will again feature Massed Pipes And Drums, Open Stage, workshops, come-and-try classes, storytelling, pub sessions, and a wide range of family entertainment.
Organised by Haddington Pipe Band in association with the Waterloo Bistro, Trad On The Tyne is now in its fourth year. All the festivals to date have been shortlisted - and won commendations - for the Best Small Festival In Scotland title at the Scottish Event Awards.
The headline event at the 2012 festival in Haddington was Steele The Show, the outstanding tribute concert to the late, great Prestonpans singer and songwriter Davy Steele, who died in 2001.
Ian Green (Greentrax MD) is the Honorary President of the festival.