Greentrax Recordings
Greentrax Recordings

1986-2025: Celebrating Scotland's Music for 38 years

Ian Green: 1934-2024

news article for September 2020 Album News


After many months of lockdown, Greentrax is again operating out of the office at Cockenzie on a full-time basis. Elaine has returned to the office with her computer, after running Greentrax almost single handed (and doing a brilliant job) throughout the lockdown period, while Ian was in isolation at home! Both are enjoying the return to working in the office – and near normality.

We are hearing of many radio plays for the Stevie Palmer album We Become The Sunshine. We believe this album should have very wide interest.

The Dick Gaughan album The Harvard Tapes - Definitive Gaughan Concert From 1982 continues to be a bestseller. A large royalty is going to Dick from these sales.

With the lockdown behind us, new projects are getting underway again and include A Tribute To Hamish Henderson Volume 2 - being produced by Dr Fred Freeman with singer John Morran and others - and two solo piping albums, by the hugely talented Eddie Seaman and Kyle Warren.

Also in the pipeline is an album by Fraser Bruce. This is Fraser’s first solo venture for a long, long time and after his more recent collaboration with brother Ian Bruce.