Eric Bogle Not A Fan of Joss Stone’s Cover Version

Joss Stone’s recording of Eric Bogle’s song No Man’s Land (also known as The Green Fields Of France or Willie McBride) has been released as a charity single for The British Legion. Some of the important verses or part-verses have been deleted, making what is one of the best anti-war songs into a sanitised, ‘safe’ version which has lost its point to some extent.
Eric knows of the single and has issued a statement to all those who contacted him about the charity single. He did not give his permission for the changes to this copyright work but will not be taking any action.
You can read Eric Bogle’s full statement on The Guardian website.
You can hear Eric’s performances of his original, full version of No Man’s Land on these Greentrax albums:
- Eric Bogle - Live At Stonyfell Winery DVD
- Eric Bogle - At This Stage (The Live Collection)
- Eric Bogle - By Request
- Eric Bogle - Singing The Spirit Home (5CD box set)
- The Music And Song Of The Great Tapestry Of Scotland
There is also a version by The Corries on Far, Far From Ypres - Songs, Poems & Music Of World War One.