August 2019 News

Ian McCalman’s The Singing Sixties concert last month sold out, and was an absolutely cracking night of song. The audience participation was quite astonishing.
Dick Gaughan’s The Harvard Tapes is breaking mail order records and the feedback from customers and the media is hugely complimentary. The album is also doing well through shops and Dick will earn greatly from all these sales. Greentrax again acknowledges Brian O’Donovan of Cambridge, Massachusetts, who recorded the 1982 concert and then freely allowed the recordings to be used for this release, thus helping Dick.
Pre-release orders for John Campbell Munro’s The Kelly Collection have been very encouraging. The album consists of songs of the notorious Ned Kelly and his gang, all written by John and recorded shortly before his untimely death. His friends, including Eric Bogle, went into the studio later and added backing. Royalties from the sales of the album will go to St Vincent’s Private Hospital (Research Arm) in Australia via John’s wife Alana Cole. It is a pleasure and a privilege for Ian Green to release this album of a great singer-songwriter, musician and friend.
Other albums featuring John Campbell Munro are: