50th Anniversary of Rankin File

The group Rankin File, featuring the songs of Iain Rankin, celebrate their 50th anniversary in 2019 of their formation in 1969.
In recognition of the anniversary, Brack’n’File are performing an hour-long show of Iain’s songs at the Acoustic Music Centre during the Edinburgh Festival Fringe on 19th August.
Iain Rankin is doing a solo show at Acoustic Music Centre on the 16th August.
Iain is also performing as part of Ian McCalman’s The Singing Sixties - Songs Which Stood The Test Of Time with Barbara Dickson and friends.
Buy tickets for Brack’n’File Sing The Iain Rankin Songbook here.
Buy tickets for Iain Rankin’s solo show here.
Buy the CD Rankin File - For The Record at Greentrax.