Greentrax Recordings
Greentrax Recordings

1986-2025: Celebrating Scotland's Music for 38 years

Ian Green: 1934-2024

cover image for MacAlias - Highwired

Tracks: All The Way Back Home * Wild West Romance * The Gowden Locks Of Anna * The Rantin’ Dog / The De’il’s Awa’ Wi’ The Exciseman * I Don’t Think She Will Stay * The Violet And The Rose * Gin I Were A Blackbird * Polwart On The Green * Winter’s Sun * Take Me In Your Arms * John C Clarke * The Moon Above The Rooftops * Fine Floo’ers In The Valley / Bonny At Morn.


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MacAlias - Highwired

The short-lived but outstanding duo of Karine Polwart and Gill Bowman recorded this one album.

The tracks are a mixture of songs mainly written by Karine (watch out for John C Clarke) plus a couple from Gill (I Don’t Think She Will Stay) plus traditional items arranged by Karine and Gill.

The album was produced by Rab Noakes and was released by Greentrax just before Karine’s move to Battlefield Band and her subsequent very successful solo career.

A gem that was almost lost.

More Karine Polwart and Gill Bowman

search Google for Karine Polwart and Gill Bowman