Greentrax Recordings
Greentrax Recordings

1986-2024: Celebrating Scotland's Music for 38 years

Ian Green: 1934-2024

cover image for Ian Bruce and Ian Walker - Born To Rottenrow
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DVD tracks: Hawks and Eagles * Grey Funnel Line * Blodwen’s Dream * The Lea-Rig * Mr Bloom * Some Hae Meat * Mellow * Child On The Green * Singing The River * The Hills of Isle Au Haut * Blue Denim Days * (plus other material).

Please note that the format of this DVD is PAL only (not NTSC). Region-free (playable in all regions). More information here.

CD tracks: I Stand Tall * Miss Salfka Sings * November Grey * The Shawl * When I Spoke To Felix * Ode To An Old Friend * Mary Button * Lucie’s Song * This Road * Honest Man * Old Love * If I Live To The Same Old Age As Mama.


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Ian Bruce and Ian Walker - Born To Rottenrow

Ian Bruce and Ian Walker are well known singers and songwriters in their own right, and were in fact a hardworking duo some years back, but then decided to go their own solo ways. Recently the duo re-formed under the name Bruce & Walker and have been gigging around Scotland and beyond, causing quite a buzz along the way with a mix of their old and new songs.

This release consists of a DVD and CD combination set and sells for the price of a double album. The DVD, which was filmed before invited friends in the informal surroundings of Ian McCalman’s Kevock Digital Studio, Lasswade, includes songs from their older repertoire - for example, Ian Bruce’s Blodwen’s Dream, Blue Denim Days and Ian Walker’s Hawks And Eagles and Some Hae Meat. There is also a guest appearance by Fraser Bruce who sings The Grey Funnel Line and The Hills Of Isle Au Haut.

The CD comprises compositions by both Bruce and Walker and several collaborations. The new songs in particular have been really well received by recent audiences, who are also relishing the lads’ stage presentation. The new songs include I Stand Tall, Miss Salfka Sings, November Grey, The Shawl, Mary Button, Honest Man, Old Love, If I Live To The Same Old Age As Mama and more.

A lineup of very talented session musicians includes Shaun Blandford (bass and electric guitars), Carol Jamieson (piano and backing vocals), Moe Walker (backing vocals), Stewart Hardy (fiddle), Victor Besch (accordion) and Richard Werner (percussion). The album was recorded in Ian Bruce’s studio.

The future is looking particularly bright for this extremely talented duo and they are currently much sought after.

Some recent review quotes from Facebook:

“Fabulous evening with the highly entertaining Bruce and Walker. Great music, fun, laughter and a few tears…”

“It was a smashing evening…the house was rocking! Just BRILLIANT!!!”

“Oh what a night! The boys plus Moe Walker were in great form. Singing and music first class but it was their ability to connect with the audience which was very special… jokes, banter and links between songs kept the audience going…”

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