Greentrax Recordings
Greentrax Recordings

1986-2025: Celebrating Scotland's Music for 38 years

Ian Green: 1934-2024

cover image for World Masters Of Piping Competition

10 tracks: William McCallum - Glasgow Skye Association Centenary Gathering * William McCallum - Field Of Gold * Gordon Walker - Duncan MacColl / Bonnie Ann / Cat Lodge / Highland Harry * Angus MacColl - Queen Elizabeth II’s Salute * Gordon Walker - Dr MacInnes’ Fancy / The Duck * Angus MacColl - John MacDonald Of Glencoe / Donald Maclellan Of Rothesay * Niall Matheson - The Sound Of The Sea * Roderick MacLeod - The Argyllshire Gathering / Mrs Duncan Macfadyen * Roderick MacLeod - Lament For The Rowan Tree * William McCallum - The Man From Skye / Donald Maclennan’s Tuning Phrase.


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World Masters Of Piping Competition

An album of world class pipers competing at the highest level.

Donald MacLeod from Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, was an outstanding piper and an expert teacher but it was as a composer that he created his own memorial. His compositions cover the whole range of pipe music, showing a remarkable inventiveness and originality, and his published works are testament to his awareness that he should share his gifts with others.

With the passing of Donald in 1984, The Lewis and Harris Piping Society desired to promote a lasting memorial to its most famous piping son and in due course the first P/M Donald MacLeod MBE Memorial Competition was staged in Stornoway and is now regarded worldwide as one of piping’s most prestigious annual events.

The eight invited pipers are required to play mainly Donald MacLeod compositions during the competition, although other material can also be included in the March, Strathspey and Reel section. The Competition was held in the Seaforth Hotel, Stornoway, on Friday 7th April 2000, and was enjoyed by an enthusiastic and knowledgeable audience.

The overall winner on the day was Willie McCallum, who was first in both the Piobaireachd and the MSR sections. Willie had stiff competition, particularly from Angus MacColl, Roderick MacLeod, Gordon Walker and Niall Matheson. Gordon Walker won the Hornpipe and Jig section.

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