Greentrax Recordings
Greentrax Recordings

1986-2025: Celebrating Scotland's Music for 38 years

Ian Green: 1934-2024

cover image for Gordon Duncan - The Circular Breath
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11 tracks: MacDonalds * The High Drive * Jolly Tinker * Clan Meets Tribe * Contradiction * Herring In Salt * The Circular Breath * Shepherd’s Crook * Blow My Chanter * McFadden’s * MacDougall’s Gathering.


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Gordon Duncan - The Circular Breath

One of the most talented and innovative pipers in Scotland, the late Gordon Duncan was also a brilliant composer of tunes (see his book collections).

With Gerry O’Connor, Ireland’s banjo wizard, and Ian Carr (guitar), Andy Cook (Ugandan harp), Ranald MacArthur (bass), Donald Hay (drums) and Jim Sutherland (congas, djembe and udah drum).

“Highly recommended…”
(The Living Tradition)

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