Greentrax Recordings
Greentrax Recordings

1986-2025: Celebrating Scotland's Music for 38 years

Ian Green: 1934-2024

cover image for Ceolbeg - Five

10 tracks: Mother Farquhar / A Skate In The Hand Is Worth Two On The Beach / Gillies’ Favourite, Willie Wastle, The Chow Man / Catriona Og Cadal Cha, Cockerel In The Creel / Duncan Finlay’s / Black Cocks Of Berriedale, The Presence / The Old Maid’s Dream, Borderline / Les Freres Denis, India, The Nodding Song - Gude’en Tae Ye Kimmer / The Skye Bridge Dance, Duncan Cla’s / Dr Iain MacAonghais / Finlay MacKenzie, The Gaberlunzie Man.


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Ceolbeg - Five

The highly acclaimed Scottish band Ceolbeg release their fourth album for Greentrax.

A modern folk sound with vocals, harp, pipes, keyboards, guitar, flute, bouzouki and drums.

Since their last album, singer Davy Steele has been replaced by Rod Paterson, another of Scotland’s best male Scots singers.

The overall band sound is the same as previously and this could be their best album to date.

“Ceolbeg continues to seize opportunities for experimentation and development in a manner that is resolutely Scottish.”
(Dirty Linen)

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