11 tracks: Chi mi ‘n Geamhradh * Chaidh mo Dhunnchadh Dha’n Bheinn * O Hi Ri Lean * Bidh Clann Ulaidh * Mile Marbhphaisg Air a’ Ghaol * Seathan * Bu Deonach Leam Tilleadh * ‘s Muladach Mi’s Mi Air m’Aineol * Bothan Airigh am Braigh Rainneach * Tha Na h-Uain Air an Tulaich * Na Libh o ho i.
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Catherine-Ann MacPhee - Chi Mi’n Geamhradh at Apple Music
Catherine-Ann MacPhee - Chi Mi’n Geamhradh at Spotify
Catherine-Ann MacPhee - Chi Mi’n Geamhradh at Deezer
This is the second album for Greentrax from the fine Gaelic singer Catherine-Ann MacPhee, originally from South Uist but later living In Canada.
It was recorded at Pier House Studios and produced by Jim Sutherland, who recruited musicians Savourna Stevenson (harp), Jack Evans (whistles), Charlie McKerron (fiddle), Neil Hay (fretless bass guitar), Allan MacDonald (backing vocals, practice chanter, Jew’s harp). Jim added percussion, Egyptian 2-string fiddle, cittern and synthesiser.
The title track is a Runrig favourite, written by Calum MacDonald.
“I do mean a great singer…”
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