Greentrax Recordings
Greentrax Recordings

1986-2025: Celebrating Scotland's Music for 38 years

Ian Green: 1934-2024

cover image for Margaret Stewart & Allan MacDonald - Fhuair Mi Pog
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15 tracks: Fhuair Mi Pog A Laimh An Righ * Bha Caileag As T-Earrach * Cille Pheadair * Dol Dhan Taigh Bhuan Leat * O Mhairi ‘s Tu Mo Mhairi * I Ho Ro ‘s Na Hug Oro Eile * He Na Milibhig * Slainte Bhon t-Seann Duthaich * Ochoin a Righ, Gur Tinn An Galair An Gradh * Cro Chinn t-Saile / A Bhanais A Bha’n Ciostal Odhar / Siuthadaibh Bhalachaibh * Cumha Mhic an-Toisich * Ruidhlichean Pioba * Uamh an Oir / Cumha an t-Seana Chlaidheimh * ‘S Olc an Obair Do Theachdairean Cadal * Port na bPucai.

Song title translations: I Got A Kiss Of The King’s Hand * There Was A Girl * Kilphedir * Going To The Eternal Dwelling With You * Mary, You Are My Mary * Good Health From The Old Country * Alas! Sore Is The Disease of Love * The Cattle Fold of Kintail * The Wedding in Coistal * Devil in the Kitchen * Macintosh’s Lament * Pipe Reels * Cave of Gold / Lament for the Old Sword * Sleep is Ill Work For Messengers * The Tune of the Fairies.


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Margaret Stewart & Allan MacDonald - Fhuair Mi Pog

The wonderful Gaelic voice of Margaret Stewart combined with Allan MacDonald’s innovative and lyrical piobaireachd style.

Margaret not only sings but she also lectures on Gaelic song and traditions. Where she had been hiding before Greentrax caught up with her no one knows!

Allan sings and plays Highland bagpipes, Scottish smallpipes, mouthorgan and whistle.

A quite remarkable duo combining voice and pipes fluently.

“State of the art Gaelic songs and piping…”
(John O’Regan)

More Margaret Stewart and Allan MacDonald

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